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Lemon Flavored – Creamed Honey (500g)

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Our lemon flavored honey is just that, 100% Pure unpasteurized local Manitoba honey mixed with freeze dried organic lemon. If a flavored honey delicious in tea and smoothies is your preference, lemon flavored honey is the perfect choice.


Our lemon flavored honey is just that, 100% Pure unpasteurized local Manitoba honey mixed with freeze dried organic lemon. If a flavored honey delicious in tea and smoothies is your preference, lemon flavored honey is the perfect choice.

Due to the natural sugar content of honey it will crystallize over time. Our honey filters through a mesh strainer to remove visible inclusions, such as bee parts and hive debris. This is done at a low temperature so the honey does not pasteurize. Due to filtering the honey remains fresh and long lasting. We use only dry ingredients in our flavored honey, to ensure it does not spoil. Use our delicious honey as a healthier alternative, anywhere you might need a sweetener.

Finally,the temperature of storage determines the softness of the honey. Warmer storage
softens the honey, while cooler storage causes it to firm up. To maintain the liquid for of the honey either freeze the honey to stall crystallization, or apply low heat to remove crystallization.

We are proud to offer the highest quality, pure Manitoba honey products!